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Le Pair, R. (2018)

Complaint tweets and webcare. What triggers interaction? , Invited Plenary Speaker at Conference: Language in webcare. Interdisciplinary perspectives, 22-23 November 2018, Ghent, Belgium.

An organization’s webcare is aimed at dealing with as many consumer complaints as possible. In this contribution, I will raise the question whether linguistic features of negative word-of-mouth tweets may lead to differences in the perception of these complaints, and consequently to differences in webcare response. Our study shows that a pragmalinguistic approach to complaint tweets is helpful in explaining the occurrence of webcare interaction between organizations and complaining consumers. The results of two corpus analyses (with 6533 and 1479 negative word-of-mouth tweets) suggest that the perception of the illocutionary force of the complaint tweet depends both on the position of @Organization in the tweet (at the very beginning or elsewhere in the tweet), and on the direct or indirect way of addressing an organization when realizing the speech act of complaining in a tweet.

When we examine complaints and (the succes of) webcare interaction, it is also important to pay attention to the communication style in webcare. In recent research, the framework for analysing linguistic realizations of a conversational human voice in webcare has been refined and investigated systematically. I will show how some of these linguistic features seem to influence the amount of webcare interaction.


Le Pair, R. & Van Eijk, A. (2018)

@Organisatie in klachtentweets als trigger voor webcare-interactie. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing (40) 1, 107-135.
DOI: → online

An organization’s webcare is aimed at dealing with as many consumer complaints as possible. The question is what features of negative word-of-mouth tweets lead to more webcare response. From a pragmalinguistic perspective, we started with a brief overview of the speech act of complaining, and its illocutionary force which is communicated directly or indirectly. In two corpus analyses (with 6533 and 1479 negative word-of-mouth tweets), we examined the relations between the way consumers address an organization (operationalized as the position of @Organization in the negative word-of-mouth tweet) and the amount of webcare interaction between the organization and consumers. The results show that when a consumer places the addressed @Organization at the beginning of the tweet, this leads to a webcare-response more frequently than when @Organization occurs elsewhere in the tweet. In the second corpus analysis, the communicative function of @Organization (direct or indirect address) was included in the analysis. When @Organization was addressed directly, this resulted in more webcare interaction than when the organization was addressed indirectly.

Le Pair, R. & Van Eijk, A. (2018)

Webcare-communicatie: waarom bepaalde tekstkenmerken de interactie beïnvloeden. Paper gepresenteerd op VIOT 2018 Duurzame Taalbeheersing, Groningen, 16-18 januari 2018.

Hornikx, J.M.A. & Pair, R.G. le (2017)

The influence of high-/low-context culture on perceived ad complexity and liking. Journal of Global Marketing, 30 (4), 228-237. 

According to Hall’s context theory, people from different cultures may react differently to complex messages. The current study is the first empirical examination of context theory’s role on message comprehension and appreciation. In a comparative survey-based study (N = 289), Belgian and Dutch participants judged 12 complex product advertisements with visual metaphors. As expected by context theory, perceived complexity was lower for Belgian (a higher-context culture) than for Dutch participants (a lower-context culture), and participants’ personal context culture score fully accounted for this difference. Similarly, ad liking was higher for Belgian than for Dutch participants, and again, this difference was explained by context score.

Pair, R.G. le & Dongen, M. van (2016)

Reputatieschade voor een organisatie door negatieve word-of-mouth tweets. In D. van de Mieroop & L. Buysse (Eds.), De macht van de taal. Taalbeheersingsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen (pp. 191-203). Leuven / Den Haag: Acco

Le Pair, R.G. le (2015)

Als de consument het voor het zeggen heeft: over klachtentweets en webcare.
Tekst[Blad], 21 (3), 28-31.

Pair, R.G. le (2015)

Webcare: zorgt een ‘human voice’ voor meer interactie? [Onderzoek].
Frankwatching, 9-2-2015.
→ online

Pair, R.G. le (2015)

@mentions in klaagtweets aan bedrijven: trigger voor webcare-interactie., 23-1-2015.

Pair, R.G. le, Hornikx, J.M.A. & Maaren, E. van (2014, June, 28)

High/low context explains cultural differences in perceived complexity of complex advertisements. Amsterdam, ICORIA conferentie.

Le Pair, R.G. le & Van Dongen, M. (2013)

Effecten van negatieve word of mouth op Twitter: de invloed van negatieve tweets op merkvertrouwen en op de intentie om de negatieve berichten te vespreiden.
Ad Rem, 27 (6), 3-6.

De kracht van traditionele word-of-mouth communicatie (WOM) is bekend: aankoopbeslissingen, merkvertrouwen, de reputatie van een organisatie of merk worden positief of negatief beïnvloed door wat familie, vrienden en bekenden over een product of dienst zeggen. Het ligt voor de hand te veronderstellen dat dit ook gebeurt bij online word-of-mouth communicatie (eWOM), bijvoorbeeld op websites met product-reviews, vergelijkings-sites, discussie-fora van bedrijfswebsites, binnen brand communities, etc. Maar hoe groot is de WOM-kracht van zo’n vluchtig platform als Twitter? Dat is nog niet eerder systematisch onderzocht. Marije van Dongen en ik waren nieuwsgierig naar de effecten van negatieve productgerelateerde uitlatingen op Twitter, en Marije deed onderzoek, en samen publiceerden we een artikel in Ad Rem. Uit ons experimentele onderzoek blijkt: Negatieve eWOM tweets
  • hebben negatief effect op merkvertrouwen;
  • leiden tot verspreiding negatieve WOM;
  • deskundigheid van de twitteraar wordt herkend; als een deskundige het zegt heeft dat meer impact: het negatieve effect op merkvertrouwen is dan sterker en de neiging om de negatieve word-of-mouth te verspreiden is dan groter.
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Van Mulken, M. & Le Pair, R. (2012)

Appreciation and interpretation of visual metaphors in advertising across three European countries. In MacArthur, Fiona, José Luis Oncins-Martínez, Manuel Sánchez-García and Ana María Piquer-Píriz (eds.), Metaphor in Use. Context, culture, and communication, chapter 8, pp. 177-193. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

The alternative typologies of visual metaphors proposed by Forceville (1996, 2005) and Phillips and McQuarrie (2004) show some striking similarities with regard to disposition of the visual elements, that is, the source and target domains. The first part of this chapter summarizes the results of two experiments that tested the validity of these classifications with Spanish, French, and Dutch participants and proposes an overall image of the appreciation of the three visual metaphor types. The second part focuses on the interpretations of the metaphors by the Spanish, French, and Dutch participants in the second experiment, to verify whether culture influences the interpretation of the common ground in visual metaphor. We detected subtle cultural differences in focus and interpretive diversity.
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Hendriks, B., Van Meurs, F., Korzilius, H., Le Pair, R., & Le Blanc-Damen, S. (2012)

Style Congruency and Persuasion: A Cross-Cultural Study Into the Influence of Differences in Style Dimensions on the Persuasiveness of Business Newsletters in Great Britain and the Netherlands. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 55 (2), 122-141.
→ online

Research problem: The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether style congruency on the dimensions succinct-elaborate and instrumental-affective influenced the persuasiveness of business newsletters in the Netherlands and Great Britain. Research question: Is a writing style more persuasive in a country with cultural preferences that are congruent with this writing style? Literature review: The purpose of the literature review was to present two theoretical frameworks for investigating cross-cultural differences in style preferences. Theories about cross-cultural differences in value orientations show that value orientations can be linked to cross-cultural differences in persuasion. Theories about cross-cultural differences in communication styles show that preferences for particular communication styles can be linked to cultural value orientations. Methodology: Two quantitative experimental studies were conducted among 344 business-to-business customers of a company in the Netherlands and Great Britain. Using seven-point scales, participants evaluated different versions of a newsletter on comprehensibility, attractiveness, and intention to order goods. Statistical analyses included general linear model (GLM) repeated measures and two-way ANOVAs. Results and discussion: Findings reveal limited differences between the Dutch and British participants in preferences for communication styles. Consequently, it may not be worthwhile for organizations to adjust the style of their documents to preferences in different cultures. A limitation of the current study was that it only investigated style preferences for one particular business genre (i.e., newsletters). Future research should investigate stylistic preferences in other business genres and in other cultures.
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Meurs, W.F.J. van, Slijpen, E.T.P. & Pair, R.G. le (2012, May 30)

A more difficult job, more expected use of English and higher application intentions: The effects of all-English job advertisements on Dutch potential applicants. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, ABC Europe Conference.

Pair, R.G. le, Hornikx, J.M.A. & Maaren, E. van (2012, May 31)

Individual context scores explain national differences in perceived comprehension of complex advertisements. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, ABC Europe Conference.

Le Pair, R., Hornikx, J., & Van Maaren, E. (2011)

Effect van lage/hoge context op de ervaren complexiteit van visuele metaforen in advertenties. Paper gepresenteerd op VIOT2011-conferentie, Leiden, 22 december 2011.

Le Pair, R. (2010)

Hoe sociaal zijn Social Media. Presentatie voor Rotary International District 1610, Oisterwijk, 19 november 2010.

Van Mulken, M., Le Pair, R. & Forceville, Ch. (2010)

The impact of perceived complexity, deviation and comprehension on the appreciation of visual metaphor in advertising across three European countries. Journal of Pragmatics, 42, 3418-3430.

With regard to the spatial distribution of pictorial elements in (monomodal) visual (or pictorial) metaphor three types of metaphor can be distinguished: Similes (where the target and source are visually presented separately), Hybrids (where target and source are fused together) and Contextual Metaphors (where either source or target is visually absent). In an experiment using authentic advertisements, it is tested whether consumers’ experience of deviation from expectation and complexity vary with regard to these three types of visual metaphor. Participants in Spain, France and the Netherlands took part in an Internet experiment. Results show that Hybrids are the preferred type of visual metaphor, that deviation from expectation and comprehension have a positive impact on appreciation, and that perceived complexity correlates negatively with appreciation. The effects for nationality are limited.
→ meer over deze studie

Le Pair, R., & Van Mulken, M. (2010)

Effects of verbal anchoring in visual metaphors on perceived complexity and appreciation. In A.V. Prokhorov (Ed.), Topical Issues of Advertising: Theory and Practice. Vol II, pp. 26-36. Tambov: TSU.

In this paper it is shown that the appreciation and experienced complexity of visual rhetorical figures, such as visual metaphors, can be moderated by adding verbal explanations. Since visual metaphors can differ in complexity – depending on whether the product is explicitly shown or has to be inferred, it is expected that adding verbal explanation of the comparison has a positive influence on experienced complexity and ad liking. Based on an experiment involving 364 participants, results show that experienced complexity indeed decreases when verbal explanation is added to the most complex type of visual metaphor. Contrary to expectation, however, this reduced complexity did not make the advertisements more attractive.

Le Pair, R. (2008)

Retoriek in advertenties: een intercultureel perspectief. Presentatie voor Rotary International District 1610, Oisterwijk, 6 november 2008

Le Pair, R., & Van Mulken, M. (2008)

Perceived Complexity and Appreciation of Visual Metaphors by Consumers with Different Cultural Backgrounds. In F. Costa Pereira, J. Veríssimo & P. Neijens (Eds.), New Trends in Advertising Research, (pp. 279-290). Lisbon: Sílabo.

Kövecses (2005) suggested that cultural context may override the universal mapping in metaphors. The Spanish, French and Dutch cultures differ with regard to the manner in which information is processed: the Spanish and French cultures are known to be high context cultures, whereas Dutch culture can be characterized as a low context culture, in that communication involves intensively elaborate expressions and requires clear, explicit verbal articulation (Hall & Hall, 1990). Recently, two typologies of visual metaphors have been proposed by Forceville (1996, 2005) and Phillips and McQuarrie (2004) that show some striking similarities with regard to disposition of the visual elements – that is the source and target domains. The first part of this paper sums up the results of two experiments that tested the validity of these classifications with Spanish, French and Dutch participants and proposes an overall image of the appreciation of the three metaphor types. In the second part we will focus on the interpretations of the metaphors by the Spanish, French and Dutch participants of the second experiment, in order to verify whether culture influences the foregrounding of the common ground in visual metaphor. It appears that Dutch respondents appreciate visual metaphors less than French or Spanish respondents. However, the overall appreciation pattern of the three metaphor types is identical across the three nationalities. With regard to interpretive diversity, we detected subtle cultural differences in focus and extensiveness.

Le Pair, R., & Van Mulken, M. (2008)

Cross-cultural Differences in the Evaluation of Visual Metaphors in Advertising: Spain, France and the Netherlands. Paper presented at RaAM7: Researching and Applying Metaphor - Metaphor in Cross-Cultural Communication. University of Extremadura, Cáceres (Spain), 29-31 May, 2008.

Le Pair, R., & Van Mulken, M. (2007)

Cross-cultural variability in consumer responses to visual metaphors in advertising. In ICORIA 2007 Papers, 6th International Conference on Research in Advertising, Lisbon, 29-30 June, 2007. ISBN 972-97218.

The purpose of the typology of visual metaphors in advertising (Philips & McQuarrie, 2004) is to link specific structures of pictorial elements to particular consumer responses and to predict the impact that such an element will have. In an experiment, we tested one dimension of this typology, namely the complexity of the visual structure of the metaphor. A total of 374 respondents from The Netherlands, France, and Spain evaluated advertisements on complexity and appreciation. The advertisements were varied according to visual structure. Results show that the pattern of perceived complexity of different visual metaphors is not the same as theoretically predicted, and that there are significant differences depending on respondents’ cultural background. Our findings also suggest that more complex advertisements do not necessarily have greater impact in terms of appreciation of the advertisement.

Le Pair, R., & Van Mulken, M. (2007)

Cross-cultural variability in consumer responses to visual metaphors in advertising. Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Lisbon, 29-30 June, 2007.

Le Pair, R. (2007)

Information Mapping: effecten van tekstkenmerken en gebruikerskenmerken op prestaties en waardering. Presentatie voor STIC-conferentie Technische communicatie. Een brug tussen onderzoek en praktijk. Utrecht, 15 juni 2007.

Le Pair, R. & Kreps, A. (2007)

Workshop Interculturele aspecten van webdesign. Telematica Instituut, Utrecht, 26 april 2007

Le Pair, R., Jansen, C., Korzilius, H., Van Gerdingen, J., De Graaf, S., & Visser, R. (2006)

Information Mapping: Effects of Text Features and Reader Characteristics on Performance and Appreciation. Information Design Journal 15 (1), 69-83.

Le Pair, R., Jansen, C., Korzilius, H., Van Gerdingen, J., De Graaf, S., & Visser, R. (2006)

Information Mapping: effecten van tekstkenmerken en lezerskenmerken op prestaties en waardering. In: B. Hendriks, H. Hoeken & P.J. Schellens (Red.), Studies in Taalbeheersing 2, (pp. 250-262). Assen: Van Gorcum.

Le Pair, R. (2006)

Review of Carol Lipson & Michael Day (Eds.) (2005). Technical Communication and the World Wide Web. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 355 pp., ISBN 0-8058-4572-0 (cloth), 0-8058-4573-9 (pbk), Information Design Journal, 14 (3), 274-276.

Dasselaar, L., Van Meurs, F., Le Pair, R., & Korzilius, H. (2005)

Het effect van het gebruik van Engels op websites voor Nederlandse jongeren. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 74 (2), 81-92.

Hendriks, B., Le Pair, R., Van Meurs, F., Korzilius, H., & Damen, S. (2005)

Does style matter? A Cross-cultural Study into the Influence of Differences in Style Dimensions on the Persuasiveness of Busines Newsletters in Great Britain and the Netherlands. In A. Bülow-Møller (Ed.), Business communication: Making an impact. Proceedings from the 7th European Convention of the Association for Business Communication (pp. 1-10). Copenhagen, 1-10.

Hendriks, B., Le Pair, R., Van Meurs, F., Korzilius, H., & Damen, S. (2005)

Does style matter? A Cross-cultural Study into the Influence of Differences in Style Dimensions on the Persuasiveness of Busines Newsletters in Great Britain and the Netherlands. Paper presented at the 7th European Convention of the Association for Business Communication, Kopenhagen, 2005, May 26.

Hendriks, B., Starren, M., Hoeken, H., Van den Brandt, C., Nederstigt, U. & Le Pair, R. (2005)

Stijl, cultuur en overtuigingskracht. De invloed van culturele stijlverschillen op de overtuigingskracht van een fondswervingsbrief. Tijdschrift voor taalbeheersing, 27 (3), 230-242.

Le Pair, R., Dasselaar, L., Van Meurs, F., & Korzilius, H. (2005)

Het effect van het gebruik van Engels op homepages van websites bestemd voor Nederlandse jongeren. Presentatie voor Anéla Studiedag Meertaligheid en (nieuwe) media. Utrecht, 28 april 2005.

Le Pair, R. (2005)

Politeness in the Netherlands: indirect requests. In L. Hickey & M. Stewart (Eds.), Politeness in Europe, (pp.66-81). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Hendriks, B., & Le Pair, R. (2004)

Conventionaliteit en beleefdheid in Nederlandse verzoeken. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 26 (1), 21-43.

Jansen, C., Korzilius, H., Le Pair, R., & Roest, M. (2003)

Testing an Information Mapping® text: Does the method live up to the expectations? Document Design 4 (1), 48-59.

Le Pair, R. (2002)

Review of Th. M. van der Geest (2001). Web Site Design is Communication Design, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 165 p., ISBN 90-272-3202-4, Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 24 (3), 269-271.

Jansen, C., Korzilius, H., Le Pair, R., & Roest, M. (2002)

Een information mapping®-tekst getest: worden de sterallures waargemaakt? Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 24 (1), 1-13.

Le Pair, R. (2001)

Review of F.E. Jandt (2001). Intercultural Communication. An introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 532 pp., ISBN 0-7619-2202-4, Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 22 (4), 131-135.

Le Pair, R., Crijns, R. & Hoeken, H. (2000)

Het belang van cultuurverschillen voor het ontwerp van persuasieve teksten. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 22 (4), 358-372.

Le Pair, R., & Korzilius, H. (2000)

Interculturele communicatieve competentie: directheid in verzoeken. In R. Neutelings, N. Ummelen & A. Maes (red.), Over de grenzen van de taalbeheersing, (pp. 337-349). Den Haag: Sdu.

Pair, R.G. le (2000, December 13)

KPMG a la española: vamos a conocemos. Hilversum, Workshop Spaans voor KPMG-medewerkers

Hoeken, H., Korzilius, H.P.L.M., Jansen, C.J.M. & Pair, R.G. le (2000, May 26)

Studying intercultural document design: Why and how? Antwerpen, Joint conference of the Association for Business Communication - European Convention and the European Network for Communication Development in Business and Education.

Pair, R.G. le & Hoeken, H. (2000, May 25)

Cultural Differences in Persuasive Documents: What do we know? Antwerpen, België, Paper gepresenteerd op de ABC-Europe conferentie.

Hoeken, H. & Pair, R.G. le (2000, March 23)

De rol van waarden in internationale reclame: Wat weten we van cultuurverschillen in overtuigende teksten? Enschede, Communicatiewetenschap: de groeistuipen voorbij?

Hoeken, H., Jansen, C.J.M., Korzilius, H.P.L.M. & Pair, R.G. le (2000, March 23)

Valkuilen bij onderzoek naar interculturele aspecten van document design. Enschede, 'Communicatiewetenschap: de groeistuipen voorbij?', Conferentie over Toegepaste Communicatiewetenschap.

Le Pair, R. (1999)

Communication Strategies: Politeness in Spanish requests. In R. Geluykens & K. Pelsmakers (Eds.), Discourse in Professional Contexts, (pp. 143-165). München: Lincom.

Pair, R.G. le & Korzilius, H.P.L.M. (1999, december 22)

Interculturele communicatieve competentie: directheid in verzoeken. Delft, 8e VIOT-congres.

Le Pair, R. (1999)

Zijn Spanjaarden directer dan Nederlanders?: een crosscultureel onderzoek naar verzoekstrategieën. In M. Gerritsen & D. Springorum (red.), Een bundel Bedrijfscommunicatie voor Ger Peerbooms bij gelegenheid van zijn 65e verjaardag, (pp. 191-220). Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press.

Le Pair, R. (1999)

Instructies bij ROCS-handleidingmodel. Nijmegen: UTN/CIBC. (24 pp.).

Bakx, J., Coopman, K., Jansen, C.J.M., Mulken, M.J.P. van & Pair, R.G. le (1999)

Naar effectieve handleidingen bij ROCS". Adviesrapport voor het Academisch Ziekenhuis Nijmegen. (external report). Nijmegen: UTN/CIBC

Pair, R.G. le (1999, September 30)

Handleidingen bij software: op weg naar kwaliteitsverbetering. Nieuwegein, IBS-CONSIST.

Le Pair, R. (1997)

Verzoekstrategieën in het Spaans: een cross-cultureel en intercultureel perspectief.
Dissertatie. Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.

Le Pair, R. (1996)

Spanish request strategies: a cross-cultural analysis from an intercultural perspective. Language Sciences, 18 (3-4), 651-670.

Le Pair, R. (1996)

Spanish request strategies: a cross-cultural analysis from an intercultural perspective. In K. Jaszczolt & K. Turner (Eds.), Contrastive semantics and pragmatics II (pp. 651-670). Oxford: Elsevier Science.

Le Pair, R. (1995)

Spanish request strategies: a cross-cultural analysis from an intercultural perspective. First International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics. Brighton, UK

Le Pair, R. (1994)

Communication strategies: politeness in Spanish requests. Antwerpen, Universiteit van Antwerpen, Sixth International Systemic-Functional Workshop, augustus 1994.

Le Pair, R. (1994)

Estrategias comunicativas de cortesía en peticiones: perspectiva cross-cultural e intercultural.  IV Jornadas sobre aspectos de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera, Granada, Universidad de Granada, juni 1994.

Le Pair, R. (1994)

'Pedir algo': communicatiestrategieën vanuit een pragmalinguïstisch perspectief. In C. van Esch en M. Steenmeijer (red.), Spaans in Onderwijs, Onderzoek en Bedrijfsleven 5 (pp. 38-56). Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.

Le Pair, R. (1990)

Bedrijfscommunicatie en Bedrijfstaal Spaans. In C. van Esch en M. Steenmeijer (red.), Spaans in Onderwijs, Onderzoek en Bedrijfsleven 1 (pp. 59-66). Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.

Kerkhof, M., & Le Pair, R. (1989)

El 'Laberinto de Fortuna' de Juan de Mena: las ediciones en relación con la tradición manuscrita. In M.C. Carbonell (Ed.), Homenaje al Profesor Antonio Vilanova (pp. 321-339), Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona.

Le Pair, R. (Ed.) (1988)

Los Proverbios del Marqués de Santillana. In A. Gómez Moreno & M. Kerkhof (Eds.), Íñigo López de Mendoza, Marqués de Santillana - Obras completas. (pp. 216-267). Barcelona: Planeta.